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Buy A Franchise in Artesia, California (13)

Artesia, California is a great place to start your own franchise business. With a population of nearly 17,000, you'll find plenty of customers for your new franchise business. We currently show 13 franchises that you can get started with today in Artesia. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page if you'd like to get a personalized list of Artesia franchises that meets your specific budget and goals.

Here are some franchises that you can start in Artesia, CA. You can use the search bar above to find many more or click here to get a personalized list of franchises that fit your lifestyle & budget.

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1-800 WATER DAMAGE Req. Investment: $79,000
1-800 Water Damage is an exciting franchise opportunity from BELFOR - The World's Largest...
Window Genie Req. Investment: $110,000
Window Genie is really a window cleaning company that also offers a variety of related...
Green District Req. Investment: $75,000
Forget salads as a side dish; at Green District, they’re the main course. The...
Teriyaki Madness Req. Investment: $270,699
Teriyaki Madness is a fast-casual restaurant concept serving up quality fresh, healthy and...
Catalyft Success System Req. Investment: $35,000
Catalyft offers a Business Coaching Certification program that includes a proven business...
You Move Me Req. Investment: $104,000
The vision of a world-class, customer-focused moving brand came to entrepreneur Brian...
Outdoor Lighting Perspectives Req. Investment: $100,000
Founded in 1995, Outdoor Lighting Perspectives (OLP) is currently the largest (44...
iTrip Vacations Req. Investment: $75,000
iTrip Vacations is a full-service, short term, vacation rental property management...
AmeriCare Req. Investment: $100,000
AmeriCare is a non-medical, in home senior care franchise. The boutique In-Home Care...
Bens Soft Pretzels Req. Investment: $117,500
Ben's Soft Pretzels is all about World Pretzel Domination. This is the evolution of the...
Mr. Rooter Req. Investment: $150,000
Qualicare Req. Investment: $100,000
Qualicare provides exceptional home care for people struggling with life’s...
Budget Blinds Req. Investment: $110,140
Orange, California-based Budget Blinds was founded on the principle of providing high...

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